Indian Gaming Today

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The NYT McCain Article Has a Life of its Own

The New York Times' investigative report on Senator McCain's ties to the gambling industry has been getting international attention since its publication last Sunday. The story was picked up by media outlets across the U.S., as well as by UPI and news outlets in the U.K., France, the Netherlands, Canada, Romania, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, and India, to name a few. It also has been the subject of blogs. And as we've noted many times, the Indian gaming connection seems to capture public attention, so that Steve's quote is making the rounds as well.

Here's a sampling:,0,6036479.story

And, on the more questionable side, there are posts like this one (and no, we don't know how the "at UND" got tacked onto the reference to "more than 70 interviews and thousands of pages of documents at UND" from the NYT story):

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