Indian Gaming Today

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Kathryn’s Quoted in the Miami Herald

Kathryn provided background and commentary on tribal-state revenue sharing in the April 8th edition of the Miami Herald. Click here to read the article.

Gaming is lucrative in Florida –- in excess of $1 billion –- and includes casino-style games at racinos in Broward County as well as tribal gaming by the Seminole Tribe. The Seminoles believe they’re entitled to operate Class III games given what’s otherwise allowed under state public policy. The state in the past has contended otherwise.

Recently elected Gov. Charlie Crist seems willing to provide the tribe some form of concessions, but perhaps only in return for diverting a cut of tribal gaming revenue to the state treasury. Given what’s currently happening in California, Kathryn may indeed be correct that revenue sharing is on the table pretty much in every state where there’s Indian gaming.



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