Indian Gaming Today

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Charitable and Civic Contributions in Minnesota

The Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Community reports it gave over $18 million to charitable and civic organizations in fiscal year 2006. The tribe made contributions to other tribes, education and youth programs, and various charities.

"As Dakota people, we have a long tradition of sharing with others so it is important for us to give back to the larger community. Before Indian gaming, our community had dirt roads and many of us lived in poverty and struggled to survive. . . . Now we are able to help others," said tribal Chairman Stanley R. Crooks.

Various forms of charitable and/or civic contributions are fairly common, if under the radar, for tribes across the U.S. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act lists charitable contributions as one of several specified uses for gaming revenue by tribal governments. The National Indian Gaming Association reported in 2005 that tribes had donated approximately $100 million across the U.S. in the prior year.



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